A.U.M.™ - Growing Your AUM via Your Podcast

There are multiple outlets for investing in your firm’s reach and client retention. So how do you know which is right for you? Jesse Cramer, our guest on this episode, lives by Ben Franklin’s words: “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” It turns out that an investment in sharing knowledge also has a pretty great ROI for your firm. As the creative force and financial planner behind The Best Interest, nominee for 2023’s “People’s Choice Podcast of the Year,” and a guest on shows like CNBC, the Wall Street Journal, the Motley Fool, Yahoo Finance, and more, you could say Jesse knows a thing or two about crafting a podcast that draws a crowd and gets them to stick around. If you’re not sure how podcasting can help grow your firm, pause your other plans and press play on this exciting episode of Ask Us Marketing, brought to you by the FPA.

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