The Lite Process

√ content done for you

HOVER OVER EACH NUMBER TO learn more about each step.

Every month we'll get on a call with
you or a representative from your
firm to pitch content based on your
audience, expertise, and goals for two
months out (in March we discuss May, etc).
We take the next few weeks to
create your content.

Content goes through two rounds of review with our team.

As each piece of content is approved
internally, it is sent to your team
through our project management

However, all content is delivered to you
by the week prior to the beginning of the
month (All May content is sent the last
week of April).

You can review content through out the
month as it is sent to you or you can wait
until the last week. After you receive a notification,
we set up your content to be reviewed by a
member of your staff for brand. Then to someone
from compliance.
After your team and your compliance
department have approved content,
we publish your content on your
behalf when the publish date arrives.

We create and manage ads from your approved content throughout the month.

Every quarter we pull in depth
analytics on the performance
of you accounts, content, and
website to determine any
adjustments that need to be made.

We implement said adjustments over the next quarter.

We start the process over every
month for the remainder of your

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Why not schedule a call with Kalli to learn more?

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