Email Newsletter

✔︎ Done For You

Nurture Relationships with a Personalized Monthly Email Newsletter

Email remains one of the most effective marketing channels when executed correctly. It takes consistency, relevancy, and engaging visuals. For advisors, RIAs, or anyone else entrusted with managing someone's life savings, effective emails also require personal updates. Who is the human behind the numbers? 

For many financial advisors, a comprehensive content plan isn't something they are willing to invest in just yet. That's why we've created a low-cost, high-impact email service. You may not generate massive brand awareness with a monthly email, but you will see an increase in engagement from your clients and COIs. We've never encountered a client who hasn't experienced this. If you're looking to dip your toes in "Done For You" marketing, this is the plan for you!

What's Included with a Monthly Email

What To Expect - The Kalli Collective Email process

We'll create a brand guide and email template during your first month.

Every month following, you'll receive an email with a link to a form to pick your topics and upload your personal photos.

Why You Want kalli collective To Create Your Monthly Email

Why You want To Send a monthly email newsletter

Why You Want Kalli Collective To create your emails


12 Mos Subscription

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